We continued modelling in the Autumn (Fall), still continuing with completing buildings and with Paul re-wheeling freight cars, building coal hoppers and putting coal in them. I’ve not managed to do a separate Q3 page because of the Model Railway Society exhibition at the end of October – but this was my last year as manager so should be able to do one next year (?!?).
Chris made good use of the etched brass lintels and doors in building the freight house. These photos show the very early stages of construction. Construction is in plasticard – mainly from Slaters. The next three photos show the painted fire escape (built by Paul) on the Hooven Building, Dave’s frame of the Susquehanna Street petrol (gas) station and Chris’s station building.
Paul is quietly building the Central Hotel at home (he is a first class modeller – see the Woodside page) and brought it in for the club open day. We sneaked a picture of it while he wasn’t looking. Steve has now “finished” the last building on Susquehanna Street (almost – Chris is going to build the still card outline building just visible in wood). We are going to have a finishing off session (or several) in the New Year to finish the details, the shop contents and then paint them all together.
The final three photos show the model at the Open Day at the end of November.