Quarter 4 2005

As usual, in the fourth quarter progress has slowed because of the time taken to organise the Merseyside MRS exhibition at the end of October (see photos). Paul and Chris have continued to work with the looms of cable leading to two point control panels – one for each end of the layout. The control panels have been drawn out and early 2006 should see them built.

Chris has also raised the “Merseyside standard” lighting rigs so that they are high enough above our rather high baseboards. These have been positioned as shown in the photos below. He has also been busy redrawing plans of the Station building in AutoCAD in preparation for building it (remember, he is an architect!). These will be put up on the site when complete for all to use.

Some of the photos show a (hopefully) increasing similarity to prototype pictures of Susquehanna Street – only another 10 buildings to go there!

Finally, we would like to wish you all happy modelling in 2006.
Take Care
Chris, Alisdair, Steve and Paul p-2005-12-modellers